Okay, I'm pretty sure that I'm the busiest person I know. I have a husband that requires constant care and feeding, two energetic sons who never slow down or hush, a full time job that I'm so thankful I have and love and a part time job selling Thirty-One. I have wonderful friends and a full social life. Why then, do I spend so much time on Facebook?? It's really become a large sucking whole in my time!!! I heard someone call it Crackbook (Diana?) and I think she is right.
First off, let me say that I love catching up with old buddies from high school and even find out what is going on with my sister in Colorado occasionally, but do I really need an update about what people are preparing for dinner or how frustrated someone is with their utility company? You might think that I don't need that info, but I feel that I do not only need it, am compelled to check updates throughout my otherwise very busy, normally functioning day.
I blame my new Blackberry. Before I got it, I was only able to check FB on my 900 year old computer at home. The hospital blocked it (along with everything else that could be helpful or entertaining) and since it is such a hassle to even get logged on at home, it wasn't worth it very much. My Blackberry has changed all that. With a quick push of a button, I can find out when Emily New is napping and if Bernie's pipes got fixed. Is this really info that I have to have??
My theory about it is that I'm basically the nosiest person alive. I just want to know what is going on, mostly because I'm afraid I'm going to miss something. I think I need to establish a new group on FB called FB ADDICTS. We could have a 12 step program and forgive ourselves for all the wasted time viewing pics of people that we haven't seen in 25 years and either beating ourselves up that we look worse than them, or congratulating ourselves that we didn't end up looking as bad as them. I mean come on, how many pictures of children can you possibly take in when you really can't even place the parents for sure?
And what in the world is all the poking and flaring going on? I have never seen so many lame "causes" in my whole life! I find it very amusing to see which new ones pop up overnight. I confess, before I even turn the lights on in the morning, I grab my BB and head to the potty to see what everyone did while I was asleep. I need an intervention people!!!
There have been many positives from FB however. I started Shari Hicks Breast Friends, and while I did invite people to share their experiences, I didn't mean for it to become a "we all love Shari" group. But...I can't tell you how much I love logging on and seeing all my Moms and remembering each of their stories and having such pride in what I do and reaffirming that this is God's call on my life. I know I have been freaked out lately with the cuts in Blue Cross and our census being low and in my own mind trying to figure out how to top what God did by gifting me with my special job. I can tell you with all the certaintly in the world that there isn't a place I'd rather be than doing exactly what I am doing. I feel so lucky every day that I get to go to work and know that with God's help, I am going to have the tools to help some new mom feel better about her journey. I know that Loretta Hardy did this for me 13 years ago, and I'll never forget the mark she made on my life.
I guess FB will settle into a small part of my life eventually, but unti l then, I'll view a pic if you post it, and comment on everything from when Brody is nausious to when I'm going to bed for the night. If you see me in the mornings with red eyes and dark circles, just know that I was in full FB mode and couldn't turn it off!
Later Gator!!
On Giving Thanks in the Thick of It
9 years ago